
Monday, September 10, 2012

School Picture Day - 3 Strand Twist Out

It's hard to believe that school picture day has already arrived, but today was the day for Syd to say cheese! I removed her mini twist style last weekend (after 23 days), removing shed hair as I went. She washed her hair with a clarifying shampoo and we moisturized with Bee Mine Luscious Moisturizer. I then used Darcy's Botanicals Madagascar Vanilla Styling Creme as I put her hair into about 40 three strand twists.

(I completely forgot to take a picture of her hair in the twists, but you can take a peek at this post about three strand twists to see what they look like.) Three strand twists seem to shrink up more and not look quite as full as two strand twists, but they make the most amazing twists outs on Syd's hair.

She wore the twists from Saturday evening until Monday morning. I helped her remove the twists this morning before school, and she had a great looking twist out for school pictures. I pinned one side back and she was ready to go. I managed to snap these few pictures just before she ran out the door.

If you take a close look at that last picture, you can see that I couldn't find Syd's black bobby pins, so she was stuck using some of mine that match my lighter hair. Oh well....c'est la vie!

I'd love to see what you all do for school picture day this year. Please feel free to share your pictures on our facebook page!