
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

BIG NEWS - We're Going Back!

Remember when Syd and I went on a missions trip to Guatemala last year? If not, you can see a bit about that trip HERE. Well, as you probably guessed from the title of this post, we're going back!

Take a look at the difference that can be made when a group of willing individuals team up for the good of others:

A pastor, his wife, and their FIVE children were living in the bamboo hut below when we arrived in Guatemala last year:

The kitchen was an open flame inside that filled the house with smoke whenever food was cooked.

And all seven people lived and slept in a single room:

But after we were finished, they had the concrete block house shown below...complete with 3 rooms and a separate kitchen so they never have to live in a smoke filled house again.

We also reached out to people like this poor little guy. He looks as though he's been crying, but that's not the case. In fact, he had a severe case of pink eye and his family didn't have the money to take him to a doctor. Things are different there. There is no such thing as a free clinic in town. If not for the medicine we gave him, there's no telling how long this little guy would have suffered.

We hope to make an even bigger difference this year!

Our trip will last 8 days, from August 4 - 11. During that time, we will be giving up the first-world luxuries we all take for granted - toilets, running water, hot showers, air conditioning, etc. We'll be trading those luxuries for the third world conditions the people of rural Guatemala face every day of their lives.

While we are there, we will be helping with construction projects, distributing food, conducting medical clinics, loving on the children of the village, and much more. We are so excited to go be a blessing to people, and we will definitely be sure to share our experiences with all of you again this year.

I mean COME ON! How can anyone resist the chance to go make a difference when it means you get to see adorable little faces like this one??? :D
The lifestyle there is rough, but another challenge for us when it comes to trips like this is the cost of the trip itself. The total cost of this trip is $1300 per person, which means $2600 for us. We are doing what we can to change our lifestyle while we raise the more cable, a streamlined food budget, etc. But we could still use some help from those who are willing and able.

One way you can help is through the purchase of Huffleblossoms products. You may or may not know that I am the owner of Huffleblossoms, which has thus far been specializing in fabric and duct tape hair flowers. ( read that right....duct tape hair accessories!) But stay tuned because starting next week, Huffleblossoms will also be selling necklaces and earrings at very affordable prices. Super excited about that!

From now until we reach our financial goal, every bit of money Huffleblossoms brings in will go toward funding this missions trip. Visit our etsy store at

If you feel led to help us in a more substantial way, you can follow the link below, which will soon be added to the sidebar on the blog. It is simply a way to donate through paypal to help us reach our goal. Also, feel free to share the link!

If you're not able to sponsor us financially at this time, we completely understand. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!


  1. awesome, i'm so excited for you guys! can't wait to read all about your trip this year! ;-)

    1. We're excited too! You know I'm gonna come back with plenty of pictures to share! :D

  2. I'm truly rooting for you both to make your goal in order to get over there and help those beautiful people. I shall be helping you spread the word about this great cause and prayerfully it will help!!!



    1. Thanks, Char! For spreading the word and most of all for your prayers! <3

  3. You ladies are doing amazing things, such an inspiration! Bet of luck to you, I will also be spreading the word ay way I can. Have fun and be safe whle changing lives!

  4. This is so incredible. I am so glad you 2 are getting to go back, I know how much you enjoyed your last visit. Your mission is such a blessing to many.

    1. Thanks! Yes, our last visit was amazing. I feel like I got blessed by the people there just as much as I got to bless them!

  5. From a hut to a real home, that is amazing! Sharing this post!

    1. It's amazing what can happen in such a short amount of time when a group of people all work together!

  6. take me with you! I went to Ethiopia last year and I am going to China this summer <3

    1. Sure thing...I'll take you to Guatemala; you take us to China. :D

    2. sounds good to me =D

  7. Donated! Wish I could do more!

    1. Thank you so much, Monica! Your donation truly is a blessing! <3

  8. hi , i"m a teen from Australia and i just wanted to tell you that i loved hearing about your trip so much that i have decided to go on our schools trip to a remote village in china. Also i wanted to say that even though i dont have the same type of beautiful hair as Syd i am a really big fan of your blog and would really super duper appreciate it if you would like the facebook page for mine and my friends hair blog, we would really appreciate it ( we only have 8 likes :()
    Thankyou for inspiring me
