
Monday, January 30, 2012

Short Cornrows, Green Rubber Bands, and Two Strand Twists

After over three weeks of Syd's mini twists, I was ready to get back to some styling. Unfortunately, we didn't have a ton of time, so I had to pick something reasonably quick. I decided to do some short cornrows in the front, with some bright green elastic bands to make it fun. Then I just put the back into our staple...two strand twists.

After a few days with the twists in, Syd removed them to give herself a twist out for a couple more days. Here's how that looked just before the style came down.

This is an age appropriate style that is simple and easy, while still allowing for some variety as the twists become a twist out.


  1. She looks gorgeous...great style..I love the green.

  2. Great Style! I love the twist out, so defined. Syd is so pretty.

  3. Lovely style! I love those green elastics and the twist-out is very pretty!

  4. Love this style!! Syd's twist outs are always so beautiful!!!

  5. Gah! her twistouts always have theeee best definition! I like the shorter cornrows too!

  6. That SYD!! GOSH!! She is so pretty Rae!! Love the style. My fave is the twist out with the short rows. SUPACUTE!
