
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Twists and Side Cornrows

We've been in a creative hairstyle slump lately. Life is hectic at this time of year, so we've been sticking with basic twists, twist outs, and ponytails. Here's an easy way to add a bit of interest to an otherwise simple twist style.

I did 6 cornrows halfway back on one side, secured them with lime green rubber bands, and twisted the remaining hair. It didn't take much time at all, but it was a nice change from the "boring" styles she's been wearing so often.

This style had a bit of staying power, as well. After the twists started looking fuzzy, we removed them and she had a twist out for a couple more days.

Relatively quick, easy (as long as you can cornrow), and lasted an entire school week. That makes it a winner in my book!


  1. Love this look, just did this to a friend of mine and she loved it too. Great Job!!!

  2. This is a great style. D wears something similar often.

  3. I really want to do something like this on Goldilocks soon, I love the lim green!

  4. Gorgeous but simple style! I will definitely try this one out soon on my daughter.

  5. So glad I found this site!! Beautiful!!!

  6. There is nothing boring about Syd's twists! I love them all. I love the extra umph the side cornrows give to the style!
