
Friday, December 30, 2011

A Little Change

Syd's look got changed up a little bit today. She's wearing bangs for the first time in her life! She may or may not keep them. And if she keeps them, we will probably cut more to make them thicker. Time will tell, I suppose.

What do you think? Keep them? Grow them out? Cut more? We would love to hear your opinions!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Easy Christmas Style

I hope you all had a great Christmas!

My original goal was to take pictures of Syd's hair, which she styled herself in a simple twist out for Christmas. Unfortunately, I spaced out and didn't take a single picture of the back of her hair. So now all I can do is show you a picture of the twists on Christmas Eve and another of the twist out on Christmas morning. Better than nothing, right? :)

In the picture below, you can see Syd's twists that were done on Christmas Eve. She has a little side part and some pretty chunky twists.

The next morning, Syd removed the twists and put on a headband that she found in her stocking. It was nice to have her hair looking good after using up just few minutes of Christmas morning for styling.

Quick, easy, and cute.....perfect for Christmas morning!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Spatula or Microphone: You Decide

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Ninja Monkey

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Product Review: Blended Beauty (Part 1)

I was recently given the opportunity to review a variety of products by Blended Beauty. I will be bringing you the results of these products in two parts because I used different products on two very different heads of hair.

The products I used for part one were Curly Cake Shake and Down & Out Styles, which are both part of the Blended Cutie line.

These products were really put to the test for this review. A family member came to spend the night with us, and for a variety of reasons, her hair had been pushed to the back burner for quite a while. It was in a ponytail, but when I took the ponytail down, I discovered that her hair was extremely tangled and matted.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I saw this as an opportunity to see what these Blended Beauty products could do. I used a clarifying shampoo I already had on hand to remove the build up on the girl's hair and then applied a generous amount of Curly Cake Shake. This product is a lotion in a spray bottle and is used for detangling and lightly moisturizing the hair.

The Curly Cake Shake worked like a charm and I was easily able to detangle the matted up hair. I worked in sections, first detangling with my fingers and then moving on to a wide tooth comb. When I finished detangling, I braided each section so it didn't tangle back up and grabbed another section of hair. The Curly Cake Shake provided plenty of slip and I was easily able to detangle each section with no trouble at all.

She slept with those braids in her hair. When she woke up in the morning, I removed one braid at a time, beginning in the back and working my way forward. After removing a braid, I sprayed the section with water and then added Down & Out Styles to the section. I used nothing but my fingers to distribute the product and define her curls. This product left her curls looking and feeling good. They were well defined and moisturized.

After calling to check in with the child's mother, I was pleased to be informed that these Blended Beauty products left her curls looking good for days!

I provided these products with a challenge, and they exceeded my hopes and expectations. I can't help but recommend Curly Cake Shake and Down & Out Styles for detangling, moisturizing, and defining this type of curls!

You can check out to see their full line of products. And be sure to check back here in the near future for an upcoming review where you can see the results of different Blended Beauty products on Syd's hair!

*Note - These products were provided by Blended Beauty for review and at no charge. The opinions expressed are my opinions based on my personal experiences.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Twists and Side Cornrows

We've been in a creative hairstyle slump lately. Life is hectic at this time of year, so we've been sticking with basic twists, twist outs, and ponytails. Here's an easy way to add a bit of interest to an otherwise simple twist style.

I did 6 cornrows halfway back on one side, secured them with lime green rubber bands, and twisted the remaining hair. It didn't take much time at all, but it was a nice change from the "boring" styles she's been wearing so often.

This style had a bit of staying power, as well. After the twists started looking fuzzy, we removed them and she had a twist out for a couple more days.

Relatively quick, easy (as long as you can cornrow), and lasted an entire school week. That makes it a winner in my book!