
Friday, November 18, 2011

Sharing the Spotlight: Sophisti-Web-Bun by Beautiful Biracials

Today's spotlight is shining on a style done by Latorria and her daughter, Princess. You may know them from their website, Beautiful Biracial.

Latorria writes:
"Here's a style that can be done for girls at any age. I call it the 'Sophisti-Web-Bun because it's webbed into a bun (obviously lol). This style is definitely for more formal occassions. The flower is completely optional of course."

This style is great because it's can be age appropriate for girls of all ages. And you just can't go wrong with a big flower! Thanks for sharing!

Be sure to head over to Beautiful Biracial to see more styles and get some great hair care info!

We're always looking for styles to put in the spotlight. Check out the Contribute tab at the top of the page to see how your style can be featured!