
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rae's Big Haircut for Locks of Love

I'm going to wander a bit from the tween styles and natural hair care issues this site normally features. Instead, I'm going to talk for just a few minutes about myself and another hair-related topic.

I got a haircut yesterday. But this was no ordinary haircut. This haircut resulted in this:

Those four ponytails measure 12 inches each and will be mailed to Locks of Love. Locks of Love is an organization that uses donated hair to create hairpieces for children who are suffering from hair loss due to a medical condition. I made a 13 inch donation a couple of years ago and decided that since my hair had gotten so long again, it was time for another major chop.

Before I headed out the door, my hair looked like this:

When I returned home, my hair looked like this:

I absolutely adore this new look, but I do believe I will be growing my hair out so that I can repeat this whole process again in a couple of years. My hair grows fast, and there are kids out there whose hair isn't growing at all. I can't think of one reason not to help my fast growing hair find a way onto the head where the hair won't grow.

I would also like to mention one more thing. Locks of Love requires a minimum donation of 10 inches of hair. If you have a little less length, but you're ready to donate,  there is another organization that might be for you. Pantene Beautiful Lengths accepts hair donations to make hairpieces for women who are fighting cancer and their minimum required length is 8 inches.

Another blogger mommy (and friend of mine) just donated her waist length hair, too. She is the author of the hair blog Girly and Curly. You should definitely go take a look at her new 'do, and be sure to check out the rest of her blog while you're there!


  1. BEAUTIFUL!! Your hair is gorgeous and you sending the hair you cut off to Locks of Love is even more touching!!

    Thank you for posting!

  2. Wow, amazing hair do!

    I never thought about donating my hair. Thank you for letting us know about it.

  3. I love the new look. You look gorgeous...Thank you for taking the hair journey at the same time as me.

  4. I love the the new hair cut. What a great thing to do!

  5. Awww I love the new do! It is absolutely gorgeous! And you did a great thing..I can't donante just hair still has dye. But I think that will be goal this yr. go natural and grow my hair!

  6. i love this so much. i went to high school with a girl who suddenly lost all of her hair and another classmate donated all of her hair to the cause.

    your after looks fabulous!

  7. Love it, love it, love it. Absolutely gorgeous!

  8. You are beautiful, your hair is beautiful, and this post was so meaningful! Love the new 'do. :)

  9. That m'am is HOT!! Aint nobody playin'Mommy!!! Whew! GET IT!!

  10. wow the short hair's lovely on you :) a couple of weeks ago I did the same thing, donated 12 inches and now have a very short bob that I can't do anything with. However when I find myself missing my long hair I say exactly waht you said - my hair will groe back and it's gonna help kids who can never have any hair :)

  11. Love the hair Rae! It TOTALLY brings out your features. And... (not that you looked "old") You took 10 yrs off your face. BEAUTIFUL!
