
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Style

I'm joining with some fellow bloggers this month to share styles that emphasize that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Before I explain how I did the style, I want to take just one minute to encourage all the ladies out there to PLEASE know your risk, remember to be aware of any changes in your breasts, and make sure you get your regular clinical breast exams. Breast cancer has affected multiple people in my family, and I can say with complete certainty that early detection and treatment is absolutely vital. If you're due to have a breast exam, don't put it off - call your doctor right away!

Quick fact: Did you know that it is recommended that women over the age of 20 are encouraged to have a clinical breast exam at least every 3 years? Woman over 40 should have one annually. Again, call your doctor if it's time for your exam.

And now...moving on to hair:

To do Syd's style, I first parted her hair from ear to ear and cornrowed the back straight down in about 10 cornrows.
I promise the part goes straight across...she was just sitting funny in the picture. :)

Next, I cornrowed a ribbon shape into the top section of hair. Then I just cornrowed the rest down away from the ribbon. The top half looked like this:

After the cornrows were done, I used my plastic craft needle to wrap the ribbon shape with a long pink ribbon. When I ran out of cornrow and got down to just the regular braid hanging down, I just wove the ribbon back and forth through the braid. Syd and I both love the results!

For more information about breast cancer, you can check out Susan G. Komen for the Cure, The National Cancer Institute, and the American Cancer Society.


  1. I love how this turned out. Syd's hair always looks so good. Great post, wonderful information.

  2. That's beautiful, ma!! Her hair is so beautiful and the parts are lovely! ;-D --

    Also, a great read!!!!


  3. this came out beautifully. i have a strong family history of breast cancer so i've been having mammograms annually since i was 27. thanks for helping raise awareness. :-)

  4. Love this!!! Her ribbon looks great!!

  5. This is looking great. I love it.

  6. Beautiful! And I love the way you were able to make it age appropriate for Syd. Great post!

  7. This is amazing! The ribbon work is beautiful going through the cornrows

  8. Wow, Wow, WOW! That's amazing! The logo is absolutely clear... This was a really good hair carnival :)

  9. This looks amazing!! Great work Rae and Syd. I love it!! The logo is PERFECT. This carnival has been such a wonderful way to raise breast cancer awareness.

  10. Love it you did really good on the logo!!!!! Syd's hair is always so cute

  11. Absolutely love this! Love the braided ribbon with, love the style!

  12. LOVELY! This is the best tribute Ive seen yet Rae! You Rock!

  13. Beautiful!!! I need a tutorial on how to braid in a ribbon!

  14. if you ever feel a shoe clip you on the top of your head, please know it is mine. Yes I'm throwin' my shoe at you cuz this girl's hair is that dag'on FIYAH! Golly. you never cease to amaze me with your styles!!
