
Monday, June 13, 2011

Box Braids for Camp

Syd left this morning to spend a week at camp (insert nervous/sad mommy face here). Since I won't be there to help her with her hair, I had to figure out what would be easiest for her. I decided to give her some box braids. They should hold up even though she's going to be sweating and swimming every day.

I normally make crescent shaped parts when I do box braids, but this time I opted to just go ahead and part little squares. Here's what it looked like as we went through the process.

After the back was done, I threw the front of her hair in a couple of knots so we could eat dinner and run to the store. Then we sat back down that evening to finish up. We spent a total of around 5 1/2 hours on this style, not including the breaks. At the end of the evening, Syd had 101 braids and I had tired fingers.

I stressed the importance of moisturizing her hair every day...especially if she swims every day. This is the first time she will have to maintain her hair by herself for any length of time, so I'm interested to see how it holds up. But more importantly, I just can't wait to hug her and hear about her week away from home!


  1. Nice braids! And aww hope she has a good time!

  2. WOW, awesome braids, and good job doing it in only 5 1/2 hours. I cant wait for my braids to be that long!!

  3. her hair is so beautiful! i hope she has an awesome time at camp!

  4. They turned out GREAT! You did an awesome job!!

  5. These are gorgeous! They will definitely be a low maintenance style so that she won't have to fuss with her hair much at camp.
