
Monday, May 9, 2011

Simple Style - Cornrows and Box Braids

I know I haven't posted many hairstyles lately. Truth be told, we've been so busy around here that we've been mostly doing simple twists, braids, and their respective "outs".

Tonight I was getting ready to do some twists so she can have a twist out tomorrow, but then I remembered that there are supposed to be storms almost every day this week. I had just under an hour before we had to leave the house, so I couldn't do anything too time consuming. I sat down, comb in hand, without a plan but knowing that I needed to do a style that is quick, will last the rest of the week, and will hold up through walks to and from the bus stop in the wind and rain. That's not asking too much, right? LOL!

Here's what we came up with:

Syd's hair had previously been in 2 thick cornrows, so it was already slightly stretched and still pretty much completely detangled (thank goodness!). I made two cornrows at a slant from the center front of her hair down to just above her ears.

After that, I put the remaining hair into relatively big box braids. There are 24 braids back there all together. To make the style look a little more polished and less "kiddy," we pulled all the braids into one low ponytail and added Syd's favorite big flower.

We snapped a couple pictures and were out the door with about 10 minutes to spare!

She'll probably change the location of the ponytail (higher, to the side, etc.), braid the ponytail, and change the accessories throughout the week. Being able to change things up makes her happy and allows her to put her own stamp on her hair.

Now that Syd has outgrown so many of the quicker styles she used to love, I think I need to come up with a few that are fast and have a bit of staying power. Do you have a specific go-to style for when your time is somewhat limited?


  1. Beautiful! I love the flower!

  2. very pretty, i like the flower a lot too.

  3. Love the box braids - believe it or not, I'm a newbie at all of this even though my youngest daughter is 7. I think I'll try box braids this week!

  4. This is a great style. I love what you do for your tween.
